Keynotes, Webinars, and Workshops

Opening Our Hearts, Eyes & Ears
to Healing and Well-Being

Understand how the nervous system affects our physical and emotional state and learn simple ways to promote healing and well-being.

A Healing-Centered Approach
to Childhood Exposure to
Domestic Violence and Other Adversities

Together, we will examine toxic stress and how it derails healthy development. We will also learn strategies to build resilience as well as self-regulatory skills that can heal trauma.

De-Stress with iRest
(Restorative Integration)

Learn about iRest, the research-based, mind-body practice that provides simple tools to release stress, increase resiliency, and promote healing and well-being.
*This workshop is a special community-service offering. Please contact us for information about our sliding scale for this event.

Good News & Simple Tools
for Resilience, Self-Regulation
& Healing

Learn skills to facilitate self-regulation and buffer the effects of stress and trauma and discover simple brain-body practices to benefit yourself, your clients, and your community.

Lessons From The Trail on
Teamwork and Advocacy

Learn about advocacy leadership, maximize your leadership potential, and discover how to sustain change in an organization or community.

Trauma-Informed Schools

Understand toxic stress, the effects of ACEs on children's learning and behavior, and simple strategies to promote resilience in your clssroom or school.

Strategies for Strength

Discover stress response, understand why brain-body practices are essential, and gain resources for you, your clients, or your organization.

The Resilient Brain, Stress,
and Brain-Body Practices

Understand the stress response in the brain-body and discover brain-body practices for yourself, your clients, and your organization.

The Amazing Adolescent Brain: Opportunities and Vulnerabilities

Identify the major changes that occur in adolescent
brains and discover strategies to better communicate with adolescents.

Turning the Tide:
Prevention Compassion
Fatigue and Vicarious

Learn the warning signs for individuals and organizations and discovery resources and strategies to use to promote resilience in your community and organization.

Hard Times & Healing:
A Resilience Framework for Domestic Violence & Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)

Understand the role of relationships in promoting resilience and learn practical resilience-building strategies for families, caregivers, and children.

Book Dr. Chamberlain to speak at your event, webinar, or virtual conference!